New Brunswick (Raritan River in background) Click to enlarge
Photo Courtesy of RUNYYFan
This is one of a series of tailgating guides for Big East football schools written by Syracuse fan and tailgate aficionado TexanMark. If you have any feedback or additional information you think belongs in this guide, please drop an email message to Mark by clicking here.

Rutgers University is located about 30 miles southwest of Manhattan along both banks of the Raritan river in the City of New Brunswick and the suburban Township of Piscataway, New Jersey. It can be an intimidating environment for the uninitiated. Traffic and a confusing road network compound a new visitor’s anxiety. The whole key is to have a well thought out game plan. Folks, this isn’t like driving to Syracuse, Louisville or Morgantown. You can’t drive into town with just a hazy idea where to go. If you prepare well, you will reap the rewards of having a car to visit many of New Jersey’s hidden secrets. If you decide against driving flying into Newark Liberty International or taking the train into New Brunswick are your two best options. I think most fans will be pleasantly surprised with a trip to Rutgers. IMHO, if you have a few extra days, you have the best city (good link for an overview of option to get from Airports to midtown) in the world 45 minutes away to visit. This website can help you figure out which subway line to take in NYC. Philadelphia is a decent alternate airport especially if you are flying USAirways, Southwest or AirTran. It is about 90 minutes from Rutgers. I saved $150+ flying in to Philly per ticket from Texas as opposed to Newark in 2008.
You can fly into Newark and rent a car and drive to Rutgers. If you decide to rent a car, you need to do your homework. Note: Leaving Newark International airport without an explicit set of directions is a sure way to risk embarrassment or worse yet an accident. There is another option for anybody who isn’t comfortable driving in a busy, fast paced area. It is possible to fly into Newark Liberty International and get to the game without using a car. You can get a train from the airport and take it into New Brunswick. From there your hotel should be able to provide you a courtesy shuttle. Expect to take a cab or hop a ride with fellow fans to the game though unless you are staying in downtown New Brunswick. Note: There are not any motels really close to the stadium but the Hyatt and Heldrich (see below in Lodging) offer shuttles to the game and are very close to the train station. If you leaving immediately after the game you can get a shuttle back to New Brunswick and work your way back to the airport or Midtown Manhattan. NOTE: Rutgers Fans have told me that there are many shuttles running and even if you aren't staying at the Hyatt or Heldrich you can move easily between the stadium and Downtown New Brunswick and the train station.

AirTrain to NJ Transit
How to Transfer to the train after landing at Newark Int’l:
1. Find out which terminal you are arriving to.
2. Obviously collect your bags
3. Proceed to the airport shuttle train. Look for signs marked Monorail / AirTrain Link. Note: Do not follow signs for Ground Transportation. There are three different terminals (A, B and C) and you need to get on the shuttle (AirTrain) and go to the Newark Liberty Int’l Train Station. Note: AirTrain takes you between the airline terminals, central parking areas, car rental facilities and hotel courtesy vehicles. All travel within the airport is free. You need to go past Terminal C and P4 (Parking) and onto the train station.
4. Get off the AirTrain Shuttle From the NJ Guide, “When you exit AirTrain at Newark Liberty International Airport Train Station, follow the signs to NJ TRANSIT trains. You will go up one level, pass through the fare gates and go down one level onto the NJ TRANSIT train platforms. It takes approximately 5 minutes to get from AirTrain to the NJ TRANSIT platform.” A nice 360 view of the ticket/gate area is here.
5. Purchase your ticket; there are several different areas where to purchase your ticket. NOTE: AirTrain is free around the airport but you pay an approximate $5 surcharge to exit the airport using AirTrain on top of what NJTransit or Amtrak charges. If you are a first time visitor, it is best to get it at the Train Station. You are going to the Central New Jersey area. You want to get on the New Jersey Transit Northeast Corridor Line (NEC) run by NJ Transit. A sample check for a Saturday shows a train leaving about every 20-30 minutes to New Brunswick. The cost is about $13.00 (which includes the $5.00 airport fee). If you get on the train without a ticket you can pay the conductor cash but he/she will charge you an additional $5. More info about the NEC here. Using the trip planner select Newark Airport and New Brunswick for your departure/destination as appropriate. Note: Some of the options have you getting on the “North Jersey Coastline” and transferring at the Rahway Station. One other option is to take Amtrak from the Airport but it is quite a bit more expensive than NJTransit.
6. Get off at the New Brunswick Train Station. It is located in downtown New Brunswick at the intersection or Easton Ave (Route 527) and Albany Ave (Route 27). You are within walking distance (a tad over a mile) of the Busch Campus where the Football Field is located. There are shuttle buses that run from the Hyatt Hotel and and the Ferren Parking Deck (across from the train station) in NB directly to the stadium.
Best Bet: Take the Red Northeast Corridor line to New Brunswick, be careful to avoid express routes which do not stop at New BrunswickClick to enlarge
Driving By Car
The official Rutgers University web site has directions from several approaches. I have been told by Rutgers fan Scarlet16E to forget them. Generally your best course of action is to
come in on I-287 and exit 7 or 8 (and follow signs. This is accessed from the New Jersey Turnpike (NJTP) exit 10 or The Garden State Parkway (GSP) exit 127.Use this Map of New Brunswick, NJ US as a guide.
Route 18 through New Brunswick will take you an extra hour on game day, and River Road is the absolute worst way to get to the stadium (TRAFFIC). A RU Fan noted:Given the construction going on you may want to mention it for those trying to enter the stadium from the south end. It may be limited or no access from the river road side. Keep checking the Rutgers Website for official info.
287 exits 7 & 8 both have signs directing you to Hoes Lane which eventually becomes Route 18 as you head south, however you will then take the RAC exit or Campus Road exit before getting on to Route 18.
NOTE: Ongoing construction of NJ Route 18 may affect your travels, check here for up to date info. Construction is expected to continue into 2009. NOTE: It is nearing completion in late 2009 and shouldn't be much of a problem now.
NOTE 2: This definitely applies for weeknight games. If you are driving from North NJ or NYC and taking the NJ Turnpike do not use exit 9 and NJ Route 18 to get to the game. It is much quicker if you take I-287 (NJ Turnpike Exit 10) to the west and take a surface street into the stadium.
Finally, one more useful web site with directions is here.
Rutgers Stadium

PARKING AT RUTGERS--mostly prepaid except for the RAC, downtown and a few other spots
Parking is not easy at Rutgers, especially since they are now drawing great crowds. Officially, all parking on the Busch Campus (stadium is located at the south end of Busch Campus) is prepaid except the RAC lot (Rutgers Basketball Arena about 1 mile from the stadium) with one notable exception (see insider parking tips). The RAC lot now costs $20! A nice overview (Interactive Map) of the Busch, Livingston and College Ave campuses shows you that Rutgers is spread out among many different locales.
Gameday Parking Options
College Ave Area Downtown: You can park for free on the College Ave. campus during game day (weekend games only) and walk or shuttle to the game. The best thing to do is park in one of the lots behind the College Avenue Gym (College Ave and Senior Street)and then jump on one of the buses that are lined up in front of the gym. There's also plenty of parking along Senior Street and Sicard St. alongside of and beyond the gym. There are indoor rest rooms in the student center next door to the gym. I have been told the parking lots here are not known for tailgating but parking for patrons of nearby bars. However, if your plans are modest, "what the hay" give it a shot and set up a couple chairs. Before cracking beers open you should to check about open containers though.
Ferren Deck Downtown: When you buy your Rutgers ticket, you might be able to buy a parking pass for the Busch Campus (where the stadium is located). Possibly visiting fans can pay for this option through through their university but you need to work this out with your school. I wasn't given an option when I bought tickets through Syracuse. If it isn't available then then parking at the RAC on gameday is your easiest option besides the College Avenue (New Brunswick) Campus or adjoining areas in downtown New Brunswick. On weekends you will be able to park for free (from 7:30am Saturday to 7:30am Monday) at the Ferren Daily Deck. It is across from the Train Station. You can then take the same shuttle bus serving the train to Johnson Park (located just south of the stadium). For a weekday game this might still be a viable option since the parking rate is reasonable.
Buccleuch Park: sits just across the Raritan River from the stadium. It is a 15 minute walk. If you arrive about 3 hours before kickoff you should be able to park for free here. Rutgers fan ABRO1975 states, "There is a circular road that loops around the park. Parallel parking anywhere here is fine, unless sign prohibits (usually fire hydrants). There is a small lot with spaces. The circular lot is about a mile in distance, the further west in the park you are, the closer you are to the Landing Lane Bridge, where you cross over the Raritan River. A good landmark is the high rise apartment building, which is adjacent to Landing Lane Bridge. You can see the High Rise Apt from anywhere in the park. If you get there anywhere before 10:30 you should be fine for a Noon Kickoff." I would assume allow at least 2 hours for later kickoffs. Since it is a park you should be able to do a modest amount of tailgating. Just see what the Rutgers fans are doing.
Saint George Greek Orthodox Church Lot: It is pricey but very close and secure. It does allow a kick getaway if you need it. They charge $35 (tax deductible with receipt) and open four hours before kickoff. They do allow beer but obviously frown upon rowdiness. They offer indoor bathrooms--a real plus for the ladies. They have 250 spaces, first come, first serve. They also sell pre-paid season passes for Rutgers fans. If anyone wishes to secure their spots (10 or more), please send an e-mail: stgeorgeparking@comcast.net and they will be able to accommodate your request.
Lot usually fills one hour before kick-off but varies with the opponent.
Insider Parking Tip: There used to be several spots you could park on the Busch campus for free. They are gone. There are two gameday cash lots. The RAC and the other unpublicized lot is located in front of the Physics Building at Lot 53. You should get there at least 3 hours prior to kickoff to assure a spot. It is located at the corner of Frelinghuysen Rd. and Allison Rd. I would recommend having a campus map and a Plan B in case the lot is full. It costs $20 the same as the RAC. BTW, the Busch Student Campus Center which also has a has a convenience store if you need some extra drinks for your tailgate. This is current for 2008, with stadium expansion happening it most likely will be different in 2009. Thanks to Rutgers fan RUNYYFan for the tip.
Those with RVs will need to park at the RAC unless they have a parking pass in advance to park elsewhere. I would recommend calling parking services for the latest guidance. Cars are $20 to park. Not sure what RVs are charged. Rutgers fans have told me RVs can park in the permit lots. I'm not so sure about 2008, RVers need to call to check. The following is the parking info supplied by the University.
The official Rutgers Policy for 2008.
Unofficial Note from a Rutgers Fan: “It's not in writing, but if you bring an RV to the game, park at the RAC. I know for a fact, you will be able to park overnight. The RAC is the place to go if you don't have prepaid parking passes.” A shuttle bus runs before and after games between the RAC parking lots and the football stadium. Cost is $20 for cars.
Rutgers Tailgating
Tailgating suffers officially from short duration (officially only starts three hours before kickoff) but you can tailgate until dusk if you have an early kickoff. Numerous fans have told me you can start tailgating waaaay earlier than three hours prior to kickoff. Fans told me you can arrive early to the RAC and if a parking attendant isn't there to drive in and park. They will be by to collect the money.
With the improved team play Rutgers is developing a large tailgating scene. Rutgers has always done up tailgating right, some have suggested they were the first school to tailgate. During the "dark years" some fans would only tailgate and not even go to the game, not anymore! Bottomline: I wouldn't worry too much about the three hour before rule and show up 5+ hours before kickoff and stay as long as you want afterwards. The RAC is a good place to go for visitors since Rutgers opens up the bathrooms inside the RAC to use (always popular with the ladies). The university web site outlines the following policies:
Tailgate Policies
• Parking lots open three hours before kick-off and close at dusk.
• Parking spaces are limited and tailgating must be confined to a small area around your vehicle. For safety purposes, traffic aisles & parking spaces can not be blocked at any time.
• For fans wishing to park together, all vehicles must enter lots at the same time, displaying matching parking passes.
• For reasons of crowd safety, all stadium parking lots are reserved for those attending the game. If you do not attend the game you will be asked to leave the stadium parking lots at kick-off time.
• University regulations and state statutes on drug and alcohol consumption will be strictly enforced.
• Kegs, beer balls, tents and canopies are prohibited. These items are not permitted in the parking lots/adjacent areas at any time. Note: I have been told by Rutgers fans the canopy/tent policy isn't enforced.
• For safety purposes, charcoal should be discarded in specially marked yellow barrels located throughout the parking lots.
• Please remember that the grass fields are used by our students for recreation; putting trash in proper receptacles is appreciated.
Stadium Policies
• Emergency medical and police assistance is available at the First Aid and Police Command Posts inside the Stadium North Gate on the lower concourse. Medical assistance is also available at the Upper West and Upper East Concourses or by contacting the nearest usher.
• No smoking in seating area, bathrooms and lower and upper concourses.
• No pass outs allowed. Once you have entered the stadium, if you leave, you will not be allowed to re-enter the stadium. Ticket stubs are not valid for re-entry.
• Fans should not bring large bags, backpacks, and similar items into Rutgers Stadium. All items brought into the stadium will be inspected, including small bags such as purses and diaper bags. Spectators can speed their entry into the stadium by leaving these items behind. Rutgers Stadium regulations prohibit glass bottles, cans, alcoholic beverages, coolers, umbrellas, noisemakers, pets, (with the exception of guide dogs) balls, weapons, sticks/poles, containers, fireworks, and any other items deemed dangerous or inappropriate from being brought into the facility. By use of your ticket, you consent to a reasonable search for prohibited items.
Scalping and You
A few years ago you could get freebies. Not anymore. A disclaimer:
The maximum resale premium, in accordance with New Jersey State Law, is 20 percent of the ticket price or $3, whichever is greater.For 2009 Rutgers has expanded their stadium. The early season games should definitely be a buyers market as the the opponents are not good and the stadium will not be sold out.
Now where do you look? The most popular area is along "Scarlet Knight Way" (Frelinghuysen Rd) near the intersection of Sutphen Rd. This is just north of the Stadium. On game days this road is a pedestrian walkway into the stadium from the Blue, Yellow and Purple lots. Another area is on the far side of the practice bubble in the vicinty of where the RAC shuttle bus drops off fans. Stubhub is another souce of tickets.
A few tried and true techniques to get the best price buying: 1. Know what a legit ticket looks like 2. Buy from your own fan base first 3. The smaller the group the smaller the price--single tickets are cheapest 4. Prices usually peak 1-2 hours before kickoff--inside an hour the closer to game time the cheaper the ticket, right after kickoff they plumment to near nothing 5. A fan walking to the stadium in with a group of friends and still holding extra tickets to sell will usually dump them for a cheap price (they do not want to miss the game and often they are doing a favor for a buddy to sell them) usually you'll spot them holding a finger or two out to their side or over their head or saying selling one, etc... 6. If you have to deal with a professional scalper--NEVER give him what he asks, have a seating chart with you, check to make sure all tickets are really together and for that game, offer him lower and be prepared to walk away, after you turn and walk away more than half the time in my experience they'll give in and take your offer, if you can afford to wait...wait inside 20 minutes to kickoff as see the prices drop (assess the situation for the number of tickets available, how many you need before employing that strategy) 7. Don't be embarrassed to go back to a scalper to buy ticket(s) 10 minutes after you said no to his previous offer 8. Don't fall for their tactics to make you feel like you're ripping them off by "only offering $20 a ticket", etc...they love to play games with your self-image and ego.

Get Rutgers Gear Like This at College Flags and Banners
New to 2010 are great tailgate products offered to my readers...BTW, you get a 10% discount.
College Flags and Banners Co. is the ultimate source for your tailgate. They offer a huge selection of college flags and banners including: Army, Cincinnati, Connecticut, ECU, Louisville, Memphis, Navy, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Rutgers, Syracuse, USF, and WVU. Plus everything else you need for game day, from tailgating flagpoles and wheel stands to conference pennant sets. All products are officially licensed and ship within 24 hours. Order today and relieve 10% off your order by typing in coupon code "MARK10" at checkout.
If you are looking for more than just college try their sister company.
Other Sports Flags:
Sports Flags and Pennants Co. is the premium source for all of your NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and NASCAR flags and pennants. Fast, secured shipping to your doorstep and all products are officially licensed. Through our site we are offering a coupon code for 10% off your order. Just enter "MARK10" at checkout.
Last Minute Tailgate Supplies
If you need some supplies the day of the game there are a few places. Just a mile east of New Brunswick in Highland Park there is a Stop and Shop at 424 Raritan Ave. A list of liquor stores show alot of choices. If you need more extensive tailgate supplies there are two Wal Marts closeby. One to the north and one to the south.
TAILGATEWIKI--Total Tailgating Resource

Tailgatewiki.com is designed loosely on the wikipedia concept that anyone with internet access is considered an expert in the field and can contribute their personal knowledge in an online arena. Wikipedia covers all areas whereas Tailgate Wiki focuses on tailgating and improving the game day atmosphere. Because many fans
follow their team when they play on the road, Tailgate Wiki will serve as a resource for those fans to understand what to expect when they get there. Kind of like having a friend in every city, at every stadium, giving you the inside scoop on the best places to park, tailgating policies and much more. This is all user generated content and the goal is to benefit the entire tailgating community.
The Heldrich--New Brunswick's Newest Hotel
Rutgers lacks the close by hotels/motels where you can walk to the game. Some folks will walk from the Heldrich and Hyatt but check out a map first and decide for yourself. Note: Three bridges from east to west allow you to cross the Raritan on foot. 1. The Rt-27 (Albany St. Bridge) goes to Highland Park Borough (pedestrians should turn left (west) at river road and walk though Johnson Park about 1.5 miles to the stadium). 2. The Rt-18 (John Lynch Bridge) goes to Piscataway (There is a pedestrian walkway on this bridge that is part of the inter-campus ped/bikeway system. It leads directly to the Busch tailgating areas near the stadium, and continues to the RAC). 3. The Landing Lane Bridge (there is a pedestrian walkway - Landing Lane leads directly to the South end of Rutgers Stadium. A walkway leads up the hill to the West Gate). Walking is a viable option for those who do not mind a one to two mile walk from New Brunswick.
The Hyatt has a nice advantage because there is a shuttle that leaves in front of their hotel for the game. A new luxury hotel has recently opened in New Brunswick. The Heldrich looks like a nice property and also offers shuttle service.. They are both accessible within a few blocks from the train station and both allow you to stumble home after an evening on the town. If you decide not to stay at the Heldrich or the Hyatt there are a lot of motels within a short drive. They mainly cater to the business traveler. Your best bet is to stay in New Brunswick or the nearby strip of motels. If you want to save some dough $$$, try the Motel 6 chain by the freeways (I-95/287). there are three motels close by and have rooms for under $60. The university has negotiated rates with local motels. I suggest to call and ask if they'll honor the rate on a football weekend. Worst case the link gives you a real nice list of local hotels. Note: Do not stay at the motels listed for the Newark or Camden campuses unless you enjoy driving an hour each way. Another source of hotels near campus lists many hotels that cater to business travelers.
Finally, a few miles NW of New Brunswick is Somerset, NJ. There are a lot of hotels here. If you have your gameday parking figured out this is a great option. The Homewood Suites comes recommended as a great value.
New Brunswick Hyatt
New Brunswick is an urban environment with a nice variety of restaurants, bars, and cafes. These are found primarily along George Street and Easton Avenue near the New Brunswick campus. The Piscataway campuses (where the stadium is located) are isolated from alot of commercial development. It is a 2-3 mile drive from them to Piscataway's retail district found along South Washington and Centennial Avenues and Stelton Road (generally the area near I-287 to the north). Here you will find the usual array of chain restaurants, fast food, supermarkets and big-box stores. Below I'll concentrate on the on local places versus the national chains.
Looking for Rutgers Fan Gear and Tailgating Stuff? Try the non-profit Rutgers Student Co-op oncampus. It has been serving all that is Rutgers since 1939.
A couple large scale malls are nearby. Menlo Park Mall and Brunswick Square Mall should keep your non-football watching spouse happy. Another large mall is the Woodbridge Center. One other suggestion is to wander around the many shops in downtown New Brunswick.
Menlo Park Mall
For classic game day grub, you need to wander down to College Ave and experience the Grease Trucks. Basically these are parked trucks which serve food. It doesn’t sound too appetizing to me, but the students love them.
Grease Truck--->
Stuff Yer Face has a reputation for excellent strombolis and a great selection of beer. Looking for Pizza and Subs--look here they all deliver. Jimmy's Grill has people raving about their Fat Sandwiches. Harold's Offers huge NY Style Deli Sandwiches. Want a great burger? Try Blitzbrger. There is one next to the Olde Queen's Tavern and one in North Brunswick. Want a great dog? Try Tido N His Junk Yard Dogs. Excellent Pizza at a moderate price, try Panico's Brick Oven Pizza.
R.U. Grill and Pizza is also noted for pizza and such. And they offer the famous “Fat Darrell”. Eat at your own risk. Many of the places above are on or near Easton Ave. the main student drag with lots of cheap eats. On Easton Ave try Thomas Sweets Ice Cream and Chocolate it is a local institution.
Fat Darrell (aka Fat Steve)
Fine Dining
New Brunswick has developed a theater district along George Street. George Street has become a street know for upscale dining. If you dine on George Street Old Man Rafferty's and the Harvest Moon Brewery are two of the most reasonably priced places. Both are very popular on game day. Most of the others located on George Street are very upscale.
As mentioned above, Old Man Rafferty's is an excellent American Style Restaurant with a nice menu featuring delicious desserts. Old Man Rafferty's and Stuff Yer Face are very popular on gameday. Other restaurants (some are 4 and 5 star rated fine dining establishments) that come recommended include: Tumulty's (noted for Prime Rib), Harvest Moon (gets overflow from Old Man Rafferty's--very good beer and food Brewery, Old Bay (for cajun), Catherine Lombardi (upscale Italian), Hotoke (Upscale Asian/Sushi) Stage Left (Upscale and Romantic), and The Frog and Peach (Exquisite Upscale Dining). Downtown New Brunswick Downtown New Brunswick offers huge selections of restaurants. Another list here. A nice map overview here of bars. Clydz Martini bar also hosts an upscale restaurant and is a great bar for the post college crowd. Rutgers fan RC1971 sez:
Very close to the Heidrich and a fantastic place. Flexible dress code, from jeans and a tee shirt to slacks and a button down, relaxed but somewhat sophisticated atmosphere, excellent cocktails, attentive staff, usually a fair amount of people. Not much of a "college" bar though.Additionally he sez:
If someone is looking for a Dive, or to sample some of New Brunswick's local Music Scene, the Court is the way to go, at 124 Church Street (not too far from Clydz in the downtown area). It's a "rough around the edges" type of bar, but it is the heart of the high in tradition new brunswick music scene. Cheap Beers, Dim Lighting (Probably a good thing) and always good music. FWIW, it's my favorite move to spend a swanky first half of the evening at Clydz and then roll straight into the Court.Enjoy!
Bars for the Younger Crowd
For the younger crowd: Olde Queen's Tavern is Rutgers signature student bar. another place with a young crowd is the Olive Branch, (nee: Patty's). The Golden Rail linked below in sports bars is another bar loaded with college students. The Knight Club is another well known bar for the college crowd. A few other places are reviewed here. A list showing other bars shows many places that cater to the students. A few suggestions: Doll Place Restuarant--a restaurant and also a place to meet and mingle. Glo Ultra Lounge looks like it caters to those out of college. Perle is a classic upscale disc jockey dance club. The Corner Tavern is close to the train station. A great place to relax with pool, darts and shuffleboard. Drink prices are reasonable. Finally,a very good website going over all your entertainment options in and around New Brunswick.

Olde Queen's Tavern--A Rutgers Drinking Institution
Sports Bar Alert!
Stuff Yer Face is a great place to watch some games, eat a stromboli and enjoy an extensive beer menu. Houlihans is your classic chain sports bar but very good. It is located on US 1 in New Brunswick. Glass Woods Tavern is an upscale sports bar in the Hyatt. Champps is another sports bar chain. It is located in nearby Edison. It should have ESPN Gameplan. South of town (about 10-15 mins) is Damon's. They are a national chain but are noted for great ribs as well as being a good sports bar.
Consider playing one of these three Middlesex county golf courses, all located close to the Rutgers New Brunswick campus:
Raritan Landing Golf Course
This easy 3,400-yard, par-58 family style golf course, designed by Stephen Kay, opened on October 1, 1999. It is located a short drive from the Rutgers New Brunwick campus. Cost for 18 holes on the weekend for a non resident is about $30 walking (carts are $26). If you don't have much time or are a mediocre golfer, this would be a good choice.
The Meadows at Middlesex Golf Course
The Meadows is an 18-hole, 6,290-yard, par-70 championship course. It is located a short drive from the Rutgers New Brunswick campus. This bent grass golf course was designed by Joe Finger in 1972 and finished in 1980 by world renowned designer Tom Fazio. It features a full-service restaurant, locker rooms and electric carts. Cost for 18 holes on the weekend for a non resident about $35-50 walking (carts are $28).
Tamarack features two 18-hole championship golf courses, both designed by Hal Purdy (who designed a number of course in the Syracuse area, including Foxfire, Pompey Club and Kanon Valley). The East (Gold and Blue) course is a 6,226-yard, par-71 course and the West (Red and White) course is a 7,025-yard, par-72 course. The West course is tougher and is the better choice if you are an advanced golfer.
Tamarack includes a full-service restaurant, locker rooms and electric carts. The driving range features 34 stalls, five target greens and top-of-the-line tees and teepads. Located in East Brunswick, it is a short drive from the Rutgers New Brunswick campus.
The New Jersey State Golf Association rated Tamarack West as the second most-difficult course in Middlesex, Monmouth, Mercer, Somerset and Union Counties. Cost for 18 holes for either course on the weekend for a non resident is about $40 walking (carts are $28). Please note that these courses never close.
Rutgers University Golf Course
Over 6,000 yards in length, the picturesque, tree-lined course is a par 71 and offers a challenging layout with four teeing areas per hole. Like Tamarack, this course was designed by Hal Purdy (who designed a number of courses in the Syracuse area, including Foxfire, Pompey Club and Kanon Valley). Highlights include narrow fairways, fast greens, and water hazards on nine holes. Golf Magazine awarded the course a 4 star rating in 2004.
Rutgers University Golf Course
Cost for 18 holes on the weekend is about $50 walking (golf carts are $30). If you want to play here, get a tee time ASAP. The course is in great demand on football weekends.
Golf and Stay at Crystal Springs A nice resort with multiple golf courses (six signature courses within five miles!) is located about an hour north of New Brunswick in NW New Jersey. Crystal Springs ranks among Golf Digest’s top ten list for public golf courses in New Jersey.
I'd like to thank all the Rutgers fans who helped in making this guide better: Scarlet16E, Jumba72, Upstream, srru86, lawmatt78, Andrew, Randall, RC1971 and several others.
The opinions expressed in this guide are those of TexanMark. While every effort has been made to ensure all the information presented is accurate and current, it would be wise to verify things when possible. Please note that this guide is not endorsed by Scout.com, Rivals.com or its site publishers, administrators and/or moderators.
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Can anyone tell me how early I can get into Johnson Park to tailgate? I know the school's lots open 3 hours prior to gametime, but I'm wondering if the Park (since it's a public park) opens earlier, and where can you "wait" in your car until the let you in to park? River road? Coming from out of town and will likely get to park more than 3 hours before game. Anyone? Can't seem to find this on any blogs, posts, websites, or Rutgers info.
Houlihan's Restaurant is the ideal option for you if you're in the mood for steaks. The best steaks, burgers, salads, and pasta are served here. Check out the Houlihans menu and prices. Review the Houlihans Menu Prices before dining there.
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